Saturday, August 22, 2009

How to wash your hair like a pro
Don't we all love how our hair looks and feels after salon service? We sure do. Too bad in this economy we can't afford as many services as we used to. But where is no need to be sad because I have good news to you- we can get similar results at home when we learn how to wash our locks and scalp properly. So here are some important tips for washing your hair like a pro. 

1. Brush your hair before showering. 
De-tangling your locks with fine toothed-comb will release naturals oils in your scalp. That reduces the chances of split ends and allows hair to absorb benefits of your shampoo better.   

2. Use only a quarter-sized dollop of shampoo.
 Too many people use way too much shampoo. All you need is a quarter-sized dollop. Too much shampoo creates excess buildup. And lather only your scalp. Shampoo may dry out hair ends so leave it for conditioner. 

3. Massage your scalp.
 Use your fingertips to continue working the lather into the scalp and move in a circular motion in small sections all the way around your head. This helps to release natural oils in your scalp. Increased blood circulation is great for hair growth!

4. Rinse your hair with warm water.
Rinse your hair with warm water, and make sure you get rid of all the shampoo.

5. Use a conditioner. 
After rinsing shampoo out, towel dry your hair. (Product cannot be absorbed on soaked hair.) Again use only a quarter-size of conditioner and apply in only on hair ends. Let it stay for at least 5 minutes (in that time you can shave your legs or lather yourself up) and rinse it out with COOL water. Cool water seals hair cuticle so hair look silkier and shinier. Make sure to rinse it out completely or you will end up with greasy looking hair. 
And remember- towel dry hair is always the healthiest way!   
xoxo see you soon ;)  

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